Movement of Rottweiler


According to Rottweiler’s breed standard the main mode of Rottweilers’ moving is trot. Formation of this characteristic still dates from ancient times, when large dog breeds were used for long-duration drive of goats, cows and sheep. Evaluation of movement at a trot is necessary for knowing whether Rottweiler is up to the breed standard.

Moreover, a number of exterior disadvantages that for some reason or other were not identified during the examination of the dog may be seen when Rottweiler is on the move. Free, confident, strong movements are possible provided that the dog has well-developed skeleton, strong, flexible musculature, firm ligamentous apparatus on which joint mobility of fore and hind limbs depends pretty much.

While evaluating if the dog is capable to move quickly, proportional body composition of Rottweiler matters a lot, because if the dog is too massive and heavy, then it will be clumsy and slow during work but imperfect development of skeleton reduces locomotor and muscular power of Rottweiler.

If all the proportions of hind limbs are observed, the muscles are developed properly and their main joints are inclined in the proper ways, then such arrangement is sure to provide high motor performance of a dog. Motion work of Rottweiler inclusive of breed standard requirements is as follows.The dog moves forward without taking much pains for that, it is easy-going and energetic, active, does not bear the mark of awkwardness.

Both forelimbs and hindlimbs of such Rottweiler tread straight, where the trails of the hindlimbs are the same as these of the forelimbs. During movement Rottweiler neither detour aside nor dig the earth (sand) with its paws. When Rottweiler moves its corpus is almost immovable, the back is even. In whole all the movement is to be fluent, firm and strong-willed.

When Rottweiler’s movement is evaluated the dog is viewed from different perspectives: sideways, in front and behind. This allows evaluating such working qualities as dynamics and coordination much specifically. When Rottweiler moves towards a person standing in front, set of the dog’s forelimbs must correspond to the set of its shoulder-blades, at that elbow parts adjoin the hips and the elbows of the dog are not look turned in or out.

Rottweiler’s wrists must not look weak; the dactyls are to be very closely-pressed to each other.

Rottweiler’s correct movement at a trot

Rottweiler’s correct movement at a trot

Amble is undesirable mode of movement for Rottweiler
Amble is undesirable mode of movement for Rottweiler

When moving Rottweiler is viewed from behind it is necessary to pay attention to its paws-they must drive off the ground level springy, besides, the pads of the dactyls must be seen at that. Such deformities of Rottweiler breed as the dactyls turned in and out, too short or too big distance between the hocks lead to gait disorder and consequently to excessive power consumption during movement. (walking, run, jumping).

During side examination of the dog the experts usually pay attention to long even paces. When the dog of Rottweiler breed paces its fore and hind limbs (left and right) must move by turns. The expert must also turn attention to that peculiarity.

Change to this movement is undesirable for powerful, strong dog and therefore if during movement at a trot Rottweiler switches to ambling, it needs to try to correct its gait.For that you should slow the movement of the dog at first, and then pull on its leash when Rottweiler will try to lay stress on the other leg. Thus, the dog is changed over from pace to a trot again.


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