Short Rottweiler puppy sleeve for comfortable basic training
Looking for suitable bite builder for your young Rottweiler puppy?
This one is must have item to start your puppy bite training! It is very light and comfortable on the hand. Has super soft bite surface for puppies. You will enjoy training with this puppy sleeve longer than usual, thanks to its durability! The price of this puppy sleeve is super reasonable!
Basic Rottweiler puppy sleeve for training
Rottweiler puppy sleeve for basic training
Key features of this Rottweiler Sleeve: - 100% dog safe material
- Very soft material
- Thin bite surface for puppies
- Soft interior
- Handle
| Intended use of this Rottweiler Sleeve: - Introduction to bite work with sleeve
- Working on bite drive
- Playing with your Rottweiler to get your puppy into bite game
Sizes of the puppy sleeve: - Width - 8 inches (20cm)
- Length - 12 inches (30cm)
| Material: |
Use this sleeve to introduce your puppy to first steps of sleeve bite work!
This bite builder is well made and reliable. You will be impressed with the quality of the material. French linen is 100% dog friendly material so we can guarantee secure dog training with this sleeve. The sleeve has also very soft surface which will encourage your Rotty to bite. You can use bite tugs and this first sleeve at the same time. We recommend using this sleeve for puppies 3 month old, not younger.
This is really super product to build bite drive in a young puppy!